ThU 7 dec 2023 • 3pm GMT / 4PM CET

Better ways of doing Voice QA and compliance for calls

Join the webinar and get insights from CS leaders from Ophelos, Klaus and Cordless.

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Meet Our Speakers

The group will discuss the best practices of QA and how technology can help
  • Shannon Lavery
    Customer Operations Manager @Ophelos
  • Klaus
    Product Marketing Manager @Klaus
  • Irina Bednova
    Cordless, ex-Monzo
    Co-founder and CTO @Cordless

What You’ll Learn

1. Best practices: What are some of the best practices every customer service manager should implement.

2. Key things to focus on: What are the most important things to look out for to ensure great quality of support.

3. Automation: How can automated QA help with scoring conversations and how Ophelos uses Klaus and Cordless to streamline their process.

And much more!